[panel panel-style="panel" title="%E2%80%8B%E2%80%8B%E2%80%8B%E2%80%8B%E2%80%8B%E2%80%8BPlease%20Read%20Before%20Downloading%20NEETRAC%20Reports"]
NEETRAC reports are proprietary and confidential to its members for internal use only except as provided in NEETRAC's Publication Policy. NRECA is making the reports and other NEETRAC information available to NRECA's members through permission by NEETRAC via our membership agreement.
By accessing (downloading/viewing) any NEETRAC report, the reader agrees to abide by the restrictions as to the use and sharing of information contained in said report. The reader acknowledges that the applicable restrictions are stipulated in the NEETRAC Bylaws along with the various Application Procedures as promulgated by the NEETRAC Management Board on a regular basis. These Bylaws and Applicable Procedures are posted on the member-restricted segment of the NEETRAC website. See
neetrac.org and contact NEETRAC for more information.
NRECA has an established membership with the National Electric Energy Testing Research and
Applications Center (NEETRAC), allowing our members to benefit
from this organization’s research and reporting. NEETRAC is a a self-supporting, membership based center within the School of
Electrical and Computer Engineering at Georgia Tech that aims to help the
electric utility industry solve the everyday problems associated with the
complex task of transmitting and distributing electric energy reliably and
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