
​​​​​Distribution optimization is a key role of America’s Electric Cooperative that relies on seamless, cyber secure, cost-effective, and reliable data interoperability. A critical challenge in achieving distribution optimization is de-risking technology integration in the electric distribution system. MultiSpeak® is the worldwide leading software interoperability standard and solutions for electric distribution utilities. MultiSpeak® facilitates data sharing between independent systems in a seamless, cyber secure, cost effective, and standardized way.

Since 2000, MultiSpeak® has significantly saved both software vendors and utilities by simplifying software integration and minimizing expenses for custom interface solutions. MultiSpeak® is the only interoperability standard of its type listed in the NIST-SGIP Catalog of Standards. It is used in more than 800 plus electric cooperatives, investor-owned utilities, municipals, public power districts, water and gas utilities, universities and Department of Defense in more than 21 different countries worldwide.

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Case Studies on System Integration with MultiSpeak

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