Landing Page About
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As more of America's electric cooperatives build broadband networks for the communities they serve, NRECA offers an opt-in program to assist them in these vital efforts to close the digital divide.
NRECA Broadband provides specific resources to help electric co-ops succeed as community-focused telecommunications providers, just as we always have for electricity. We offer proven leadership to meet our membership's unique needs in broadband and compete against large telecommunications companies that spend millions of dollars each year to advocate for their policies.
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READY TO PARTICIPATE?[button title="Sign%20Up%20Now" link="%2Ftopics%2Ftelecommunications-broadband%2Fnreca-broadband%2FPages%2FSecure%2FBroadband-Application-and-Agreement.aspx" wide="true" /]
Already Signed Up?[button title="Access%20Exclusive%20Offerings" link="%2Ftopics%2Ftelecommunications-broadband%2Fnreca-broadband%2FPages%2FExclusive-Offerings.aspx" wide="true" /]
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Leaders know they can trust electric co-ops to lead this national conversation, act responsibly, and make sure the hardest-to-serve areas are connected and empowered. This is our second chance to forever change the nature of opportunity in rural America and, once again, we will rise to the challenge.
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Investing in NRECA Broadband provides significant additional resources to support your individual business and the collective cooperative approach to bringing reliable, high-speed internet service to rural communities. No other NRECA members will have access to these benefits.
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Federal Policy and Regulatory Advocacy
Specialized and dedicated telecommunications staff who will provide direct advocacy to federal policymakers.
Expert advice on complex telecommunications regulations and federal funding opportunities.
Dedicated advocacy to help shape member access to federal financial support.
Communications, Events and Education
Exclusive broadband-specific conferences and training, including the
NRECA Broadband Leadership Summit.
Policymaker branding and communication to position electric co-ops as trusted telecommunications providers.
In the videos below, hear from Mike Partin, president/CEO of Sequachee Valley Electric Cooperative, and Tim Smith, general manager of East Central Oklahoma Electric Cooperative, about how NRECA Broadband strengthens and unifies the efforts of America's electric co-ops to close the digital divide.
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Top Links Description
NRECA Broadband participants, access your exclusive program offerings, including advocacy support, education, resources and guidance.
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NRECA Broadband fees for participating NRECA voting members are summarized below based on type of broadband involvement:
Operational with consumers
If your organization is in the retail broadband business, or owns/partially owns a subsidiary in retail broadband, and actively serves consumers, your organization can participate for $12,000 plus $1 per broadband consumer, annually.
Operational with consumers jointly owned with other NRECA voting members
If your organization and other NRECA voting members own/partially own a subsidiary in broadband, and actively serve consumers, (1) if all joint owners are participants, your organizations can participate for $12,000 each, plus $1 per broadband consumer, divided in proportion to each Participant's ownership or control, annually; or (2) if all joint owners are not participants, your organizations can participate for $12,000 each, plus $1 per broadband consumer divided evenly among the participants, annually.
Operational without consumers
If your organization is in the wholesale broadband business, or owns/partially owns a subsidiary in wholesale broadband, your organization can participate for $12,000, annually.
If your organization is non-operational in broadband or does not serve a retail broadband consumer, your organization can participate for $6,000, annually.
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