
Our industry is changing. Our relationship with our member owners is changing. And almost 500 CEOs and more than 15,000 co-op employees are eligible to retire within the next five years. In order to keep up with the latest industry trends, technologies and best practices as well as manage the turnover in your workforce, your co-op needs an educated and connected workforce. Co-op staff need to master various core competencies and skills to perform their jobs successfully and in turn serve their members successfully.

NRECA offers a host of co-op specific, competency-based education programs and events designed to equip learners with the knowledge, skills, tools and resources needed to succeed in today’s rapidly changing and complex electric utility industry.

Education Programs

Competency Frameworks and Assessments

  • NRECA has developed comprehensive competency frameworks for electric cooperative employees and directors to help identify the knowledge, skills and abilities they need to succeed in their roles.

  • NRECA offers leadership skills assessments and a director education assessment to help employees and directors understand which courses and events would be most appropriate for them based on their individual learning needs.

Supplemental Resources and Planning Tools

More Resources

All of these and more co-op specific professional development resources are available on our Conferences & Education overview page.

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