We're excited to announce that we've updated this year's program based on member feedback and all the ways you communicate now. These improvements are designed to reflect the current communications environment and ensure the industry's best work is recognized.
The revised and new award categories better represent your scope of work, including more emphasis on digital, video and social platforms and internal communications. We've also revised award classifications to improve the competitiveness of the program. Entrants are judged against cooperatives of a similar size to ensure an equitable playing field.
The revamped Spotlight on Excellence Awards program includes:
- 20 revised and new award categories.
- Streamlined call for entries to simplify the submission process.
- Timely access to valuable feedback from judges for ALL entries.
In addition, the BOGO special for cooperatives that haven't entered in five or more years is back by popular demand.
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2024-2025 Entry Info
- The entry fee is $120 for all categories.
- Call for Entries period: Oct. 10-Dec. 5, 2024.
- Notification of entry status: Week of Feb. 24, 2025.
- Award recognition at the Connect Conference, May 13-15, 2025, Kansas City, Mo.
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Helpful Resources - coming soon
- Call for entries detailing the award entry and judging process
- Sample entry forms
- Judging criteria & scoring
- FAQs
- Info about recent past winners including winning entries