Policy DevelopmentEstablishes policies that provides guidance and sets expectations for performance.Board AccountabilityMonitors board operations and takes responsibility for board actions and results.Board/Manager RelationshipBuilds a civil, constructive, mutually respectful relationship with the CEO.Cooperative Principles and PracticesDemonstrates an appreciation of the cooperative business model and a commitment to cooperative values.Member FocusFocuses on the needs of members.Interpersonal CommunicationsListens, relates and expresses oneself in a manner that is effective while supporting mutual understanding.Self- Awareness /Continual LearningDemonstrates an ongoing commitment to learning and self-improvementFlexibilityRemains open to new ideas, information, and approaches.Builds Relationships and Influences OthersCreates and fosters constructive working relationships; Persuades others towards an outcome consistent with the organization’s goals.Negotiation and Conflict ResolutionManages and resolves conflicts and disagreements in a constructive manner.Integrity and CourageMakes decisions and acts consistently with values, professional standards, and the broader interests of the cooperative.
NRECA – 1 credit
CEU – 0.6 credits
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