Thousands of electric cooperative colleagues will meet in Music City in March at NRECA's
PowerXchange and
TechAdvantage® Experience—and both events are offering plenty of broadband content. Take advantage of the TechPlus combo rate to attend both and have access to all of the broadband learning offered.
Pre-Conference Training
Register through the PowerXchange registration process.
Considering Broadband: The Due Diligence Process
March 4, 8 a.m.-4 p.m.
Free to individuals at NRECA Broadband participating co-ops.
Note: While non-directors may register for this course, the course is written with directors in mind, focusing on their role in the due diligence process. This is NOT a technical or strategy course.
Learn more about the course.
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Networking in Nashville
Open to PowerXchange, TechAdvantage and TechPlus Attendees
Join Us for a Networking Reception: Exclusively for NRECA Broadband participants.
March 7, 4:30-5:30 p.m.
NTIA Office Hours: Do you have questions about applying for the BEAD program? NTIA staff will hold office hours at NRECA's upcoming PowerXchange and TechAdvantage® Experience in Nashville.
- Where: Room 205AB
When: March 6, 12:30-2:30 p.m., March 7, 1-3 p.m. Appointments highly encouraged during office hours, other times are available by appointment.
To set up a meeting, please contact these NTIA staff in advance:
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Breakout Sessions
PowerXchange Broadband Sessions
March 6
- Effective Engagement on Broadband Policy (PowerXchange or TechPlus only)
March 7
- Broadband Funding: A View from the State Broadband Office (available to any attendee)
TechAdvantage Broadband Sessions
(TechAdvantage or TechPlus only)
March 6
- To Partner or Not to Partner—What's the Best Path Forward for our Cooperative?
- Real World Broadband Results: Findings from a Comprehensive Electric Cooperative Broadband Benchmarking Study
- The Wisdom of Experience: Lessons from Newly Operational Broadband Businesses
- Disaster Recovery for Fiber Networks
- Aerial Fiber Framing Basics & Considerations
March 7
- Optimizing Smart Grid Technology through the Design and Deployment of a Fiber Network
- Building with Customer Experience in Mind
- Better Together: Partnering to Launch Broadband
TechTalks in the TechPark
(TechAdvantage or TechPlus only)
March 7
- Driving Success Through Strategic Partnerships: Who Do You Want in Your Foxhole?
- The Time for Broadband Is Now: Deploying Your Network
- Mapping Fiber and Broadband: From Grants to Managed Networks
- Lessons Learned from 30 Years of Building Fiber
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