Across the country, consumer-owned cooperatives are bringing the benefits of solar energy to their members. All cooperative solar is consumer-owned solar, whether it’s a 30-MW solar array in Colorado or a 1-MW community array in Minnesota.

This toolkit, supported with funding from the U.S. Department of Energy, pulls together resources and samples to help co-ops educate consumer-members about how they can participate in cooperative solar development, including community solar.

In addition to resources developed by NRECA, the toolkit includes samples from co-ops with solar projects already online or well on the way to completion.


Communications Planning Guide
Guide to creating a communications plan for a solar project launch. The guide includes tips on marketing participation in a community solar project.

Message Triangles
Tools for ensuring employees, directors and stakeholders share a consistent message when talking about solar and, specifically, community solar.

Fact Sheet on Solar Energy
Two-page fact sheet on solar energy for consumer-members.

Interested in Solar? Let’s Talk!
Two-page guide for consumer-members exploring rooftop solar options.

Understanding consumer views on solar and renewable energy
NRECA Market Research has developed tools to help you better understand which members will be receptive to community solar and how to craft targeted messages.

Market segmentation study of co-op consumers
Read the results of NRECA Market Research survey of co-op consumer views on energy efficiency and renewable energy. Learn about the five segments: actively green; conveniently green; indifferent techies; indifferent analogs; environmental skeptics.

Benefits of Community Solar
This article can be customized to explain the benefits of your cooperative's community solar program to members. Include this piece in your co-op newsletter to build interest in your program.

How Community Solar Works Infographic
Simple graphic that shows the relationship between solar farms, utilities, and program participants in a community solar program.


NRECA Market Research sample survey

Buckeye Power's Our Solar Brochure

Buckeye Power's Our Solar FAQ Sheet

Buckeye Power's Our Solar Bill Insert

Platte Clay Electric Cooperative Community Solar Brochure

Eau Claire subscription brochure

Member Inquiry Map

TCP article on CoServ’s community solar project

CoServ solar station dedication release