[well]Please contact Christine Miller (
Christine.miller@neca.coop) with questions about this webinar or if you'd like to purchase the recorded version. [/well]
Sept. 2, 2020
Change is constant and more complex than ever before, and it is happening all around us- in our personal and professional lives. To be successful and accomplish your personal and professional goals, you need to know how to adapt to and manage the changes you face. None of us can control change, but we can control how we respond to it. Electric cooperatives are not immune to change; from the implementation of new systems, co-op policy changes, to unique and different member needs, understanding and applying change management enables co-ops to change more effectively and help to tackle any change that presents itself. It has been said that change comes when the pain of staying the same is greater than the pain of change, This web conference is designed to help you understand the fundamental concepts of change management and establish how effective change management can benefit you personally, your team and organization. You will also identify and understand barrier points for change and offer tools to overcome them. Learn to become more change resilient — join us on Wednesday September 2, 2020, from 2-4 p.m. ET.