The webinars focus on all aspects of PCB management and regulatory compliance, including: use authorizations, marking requirements, storage for reuse, spill clean-up, disposal, recordkeeping, manifests, and emerging issues. The webinars are designed to serve as a primer on PCB regulations. Participation in the webinars is free of charge for all APPA, NRECA and USWAG members.
- PCB Webinar 1: Background, Definitions, Assumptions and Conditions for Use; Storage and Marking
- PCB Webinar 2: Cleanup and Disposal, Part 1: Overview of Spill Cleanup options: PCB Spill Cleanup Policy; 761.61(a)-(c), USWAG/NRECA PCB Remediation Waste Disposal Approvals – Requirements and Implementation Considerations; 761.30(p)
- PCB Webinar 3: Cleanup and Disposal, Part 2: Decontamination; Disposal Options and Requirements; PCB Remediation Waste vs. PCB Bulk Product Waste; PCBs in Building Materials; Related EPA Guidance and Enforcement Policy
- PCB Webinar 4: Recordkeeping and Reporting; Notification and Manifest; Sampling Overview
- PCB Webinar 5: Natural Gas Pipelines and Appurtenances; Use Conditions and Compliance Considerations