This webinar addressed cornerstone questions on compliance obligations for DG and Qualifying Facilities (QFs) and highlighted areas where there are legal and policy differences (or overlap) between the two. This webinar also provided an overview of PURPA QFs and DG and address questions such as:
Are DG resource sales subject to federal and/or state authority?
How and when should a DG resource obtain QF status under PURPA?
When and which PURPA requirements apply to DG resources?
What are a utility’s interconnection obligations for QFs and DG resources? Which entity has jurisdiction over the interconnections?
What are the differences between a sale under a net metering program and a sale by a QF?
Who Should View the Webinar?Electric Cooperative CEOs, Attorneys, and others with a professional interest in this subject including Statewide regulatory professionals, member services staff, and system planners.
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