Due to the recent rapid growth of inverter-based distributed energy resources (DER), the DER interconnection standard (IEEE 1547) has been updated and the related IEEE 1547-2018 and test standard IEEE 1547.1-2020 have been released. As they start to become mandated, utilities might be required to perform some advanced functions and services, and DER operators might need to adopt alternative settings for smart inverters to perform these functions. To guide cooperatives on how to determine the alternative smart inverter settings to comply with the standard and to achieve the benefits of the grid services, NRECA is working with cooperatives to conduct field tests.
Two field tests have been conducted; one with Central Electric Power Cooperative and Black River Electric Cooperative, and a second with White River Electric Association. NRECA partnered with NEETRAC for data collection and analysis of the field tests. The NEETRAC reports linked below relay the findings of this effort.
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Testing with Central Electric Power Cooperative and Black River Electric Cooperative
Testing Framework and Initial Results of the First Test: This article reviews the project objectives, explains the general framework, and highlights the implementation of the first field test with Central Electric Power Cooperative and Black River Electric Cooperative. Article (February 2021)
- Final Analysis: Report (August 2021)
Testing with White River Electric Association
- Final Analysis: Report (November 2021)
Additional Resources:NRECA plans additional publications and other resources to share the lessons learned through this research effort on smart inverters. Visit this page for updates.
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