Articles Published Author Share Talk to an Expert Published Author Share Talk to an Expert Page ContentIEEE Standard 1547™ defines interconnection requirements for distributed energy resources (DER). The significant growth in DER interconnection applications has substantial impact on utilities, the reliability of the grid, and the quality of electric service to customers. This standard has been undergoing major changes in response to the changing DER market. NRECA is closely tracking what is happening with this standard, to keep members informed and encourage their involvement in the related ballot processes. The following are available resources. Visit here often to see new information. RESOURCESIEEE 1547.1-2020 Approved and Available to the Public (June 2020) NRECA Guide to IEEE 1547-2018 (March 2019)Joining the IEEE 1547.1 Ballot Pool (May 2019)IEEE 1547.1 for DER Testing and Verification (January 2019)Presentation: Application Considerations IEEE 1547-2018 - Alaska Research Day, Robert Harris, NRECA (October 2018)IEEE 1547-2018 (An updating of the 2003 Standard) (June 2018)IEEE 1547 - Article Series (2018):Part 1: Revision of IEEE Standard 1547 - The Background for ChangePart 2: IEEE 1547 Relevant to Reactive Power and Voltage RegulationPart 3: IEEE 1547 Relevant to Disturbance PerformancePart 4: IEEE 1547 Relevant to Additional Issues Including Power QualityRE Magazine Article: Co-op Tech: Weighing IEEE 1547 (July 2017)Advisory: The Evolution of IEEE 1547 (February 2016) MORE FROM NRECA