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Localizing politics is essential to promoting the quality of life in our communities. By working together–and in partnership with our co-op members–to build trusted relationships with our local representatives, we can amplify our collective voice and help ensure our industry and our communities are protected in Washington. NRECA is poised to support your co-op to ensure that rural issues remain part of the national discussion—and are supported by your elected officials. Through the following education and engagement programs, you have everything you need to get involved–and engage your members–in our collective political mission.
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This one-day course helps directors connect the dots between what they as individual directors can do on behalf of their cooperative while maximizing relationships with their statewide and NRECA to make sure the co-op voice is heard on Capitol Hill and in the regulatory agencies.
At the Legislative Conference, electric co-op directors, managers and employees have the opportunity to strengthen relationships with their congressional delegations and staff and to advocate on legislative issues affecting electric co-ops and their consumer members.
Co-ops Vote is NRECA’s
non-partisan program designed to inform co-op consumer members on the key
issues facing electric co-ops and encourage them to vote.
Voices for Cooperative Power (VCP), the grassroots arm of NRECA, is a powerful network of advocates who are working together to influence the federal policies that impact electric co-ops and their consumer-members.
America's Electric Cooperatives PAC (formerly ACRE®) is the federal political action committee (PAC) of America's electric co-ops. Backed by more than 35,000 eligible employees, directors and consumer-members across the country, NRECA's PAC supports political candidates who will speak for and protect the interests of electric co-ops and their consumer-members. Electric co-ops are encouraged to solicit eligible individuals including those serving on your boards of directors, salaried employees with policymaking or managerial responsibilities, any consumer-member of an electric co-op that belongs to NRECA, and families of eligible individuals. The PAC team can provide strategic guidance on how to successfully launch or grow the PAC at your co-op.
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More Resources
All of these and more co-op specific political advocacy resources are available on our Advocacy page. Peruse the featured resources or use the filters on the left side of the page to find the resource most relevant to you. ACRE-specific resources can be found on the America's Electric Cooperatives PAC page.
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Legal DisclaimerContributions to the NRECA America’s Electric Cooperatives PAC are not tax deductible for federal income tax purposes. Contributions to America’s Electric Cooperatives PAC are voluntary and will be used for political purposes. You have the right to refuse to contribute without reprisal. Federal law prohibits contributions from foreign nationals who lack permanent resident status. Any contribution guidelines presented are merely suggestions. You are free to contribute more or less than the suggested amounts, or not at all. NRECA will not favor or disadvantage anyone by reason of the amount contributed or a decision not to contribute.
*Federal law requires us to use our best efforts to collect and report the name, mailing address, occupation and name of employer of individuals whose contributions exceed $200.