[image-caption title="TechAdvantage%C2%AE%20Experience%20returns%20to%20the%20Music%20City%20Center%20in%20Nashville%2C%20Tennessee%2C%20in%20March.%20(Photo%20By%3A%20Denny%20Gainer%2FNRECA)" description="%20" image="%2Fnews%2FPublishingImages%2FPowerXchange%202022.jpg" /]
TechAdvantage® Experience, the premier event showcasing solutions and strategies shaping the future of the electric cooperative industry, returns to Nashville, Tennessee, this year.
The March 5-8 event at the Music City Center will feature exhibits, products and speakers that address many of the operational challenges that co-op staffers face every day, said Mary Ackleson, NRECA senior program manager. “Our guests will see and hear from dozens of vendors and speakers offering tools to help co-ops meet and exceed member expectations."
TechAdvantage runs concurrent with PowerXchange, NRECA's 81st annual meeting. Presentations and exhibits are geared toward professionals in engineering, operations, information technology, purchasing and supply management.
“With so many electric co-ops expanding into broadband operations, we've added more presentations and products geared toward system buildout, service delivery and market development," said Ackleson. “We'll also have dozens of presenters focused on electric service delivery, distribution system management, electric vehicle support and infrastructure security."
Of the nearly 400 vendors registered for TechAdvantage Expo this year, 65 are first-time exhibitors. At least 20 TechPark talks will be held in the Expo Hall, and more than 60 breakout sessions will provide attendees with ample opportunities to learn more about key industry trends and the products and services they can use in their co-ops' territories.
Several preconference training sessions are set for Sunday, March 5, on topics such as cybersecurity, distributed energy resource integration, supply chain issues caused by weather-related outages, and meeting the needs of the growing electric vehicle market.
The event also includes the annual Women in Power luncheon on Monday, March 6, where speakers will share their successes and discuss actions co-ops can take to diversify their workforces and support women in key energy industry roles.
Organizational consultant Ben Whiting is the keynote speaker for the opening general session on March 6. Using humor, magic, showmanship and mind-reading techniques, Whiting's presentation on “Creating a Limitless Culture" will discuss how to increase productivity and improve communications.
TechAdvantage and PowerXchange attendees will want to visit the Expo Hall while they are in Nashville, said Von McMeekin, an NRECA meeting and event manager. “It's the best place all year to see how technology, equipment and services available from our vendors can help make good co-ops even better," he said.
Related Content: NRECA’s PowerXchange Returns to Nashville—What’s New at the 2023 Event