NCCO registration will open in spring 2025. To be notified of registration opening, add your name to the NCCO interest list.
NCCO is designed for new co-op communicators, marketing and member service employees of electric cooperatives with 6+ months of experience in their current position. Interactive sessions will provide an in-depth look at key electric industry and cooperative communication issues, challenges and opportunities new communicators face. It's an outstanding opportunity to meet and network with your peers in a cohort setting. Enhance your career and return to your co-op energized, more informed and more effective with new tools and resources you can apply immediately.
This event takes place at NRECA's headquarters in Arlington, VA and CFC's campus in Dulles, VA.
What Your Peers Are Saying
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[column 6]"The value of the collaboration, networking and hands-on learning that goes on during NCCO can't be overstated. By the end of this conference, you'll have formed your own mini national network of fellow electric co-op communicators, learned how to best leverage NRECA communication resources and gained a better overall understanding of the cooperative difference. Whether you are new to being a communication professional or just new to being one at an electric cooperative, NCCO has something for you."
Ryan Russell, Georgia Transmission Corp. [/column]
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[column 6]"NCCO equipped me with the tools I need to effectively lead communications at my cooperative and wrapped me into an experienced network of communicators who I can lean on for advice. I highly recommend it! Thank you NRECA!."
Rita Sanders, Grand Valley Power
"The opportunity my cooperative gave me by allowing me to attend NCCO is invaluable. The conference armed me with all the knowledge and tools I needed to begin my career as a cooperative communicator. In addition, I gained a network of peers to follow along our journeys together. I'm incredibly thankful for NRECA for this communications-centric training!"
Shelby Novak, White River Valley Electric Cooperative [/column]
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[column 6]"NCCO is one of the best training experiences and environments I’ve had. And I say that knowing that I was in the Marine Corps and participated in countless training courses through the military."
Chad Simon, Sam Houston Electric Cooperative[/column]
Communications Resources and Programs of Interest