Political Programs

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Political participation includes a broad range of activities through which voters develop and express their opinions on policy issues and support candidates with similar viewpoints. ​For the cooperative community, simply participating is not enough. We encourage co-op leadership, employees, consumer-members and friends to not only participate but actively engage through four easy steps:

  1. Register to vote.
  2. Tell your story through grassroots or grasstops advocacy.
  3. Vote with co-op issues in mind.
  4. Support likeminded candidates through participation in America’s Electric Cooperatives PAC.​​

NRECA’s Political Programs provide opportunities, resources, platforms and programs to master each of these steps and be part of important policy discussions at the national, state and local levels. Our collective voice can help shape the narrative and define the outcome. Together, we can make a difference!


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Education and Engagement


There are two equally important parts of grassroots advocacy--education and engagement. The Federal and State Legislative Issues section of Cooperative.com offers educational information about issue important issues affecting co-ops on the national level.

We encourage you to attend a Grassroots workshop to learn how to interact with legislators or to create a political game plan.

Participating in the NRECA Legislative Conference is an ideal opportunity to meet face-to-face with your members of Congress and their staff. You will receive a detailed briefing from the NRECA Government Relations’ staff so you are armed with facts for your meetings on the Hill.


Engagement is the other key component of advocacy. Communicating with your member of congress on important issue affecting your cooperative is a great way to keep your legislators informed. We set up a website where you can do that quickly. We call it ​Voices for C​​ooperative Power​. Want to get your directors, and employees involved? Send them to Voices for Cooperative Power to send their letter to their legislators.​

America’s Electric Cooperatives PAC​ supports congressional candidates, regardless of party, who share public policy goals that are consistent with the mission of member-owned elect​​ric co-ops. In this s​ection of the site, you can find out which candidates are supported by the PAC.
