May 14 and 15, 2024
In-person workshop takes place at
Murray State University, School of Engineering
313 North 16th St., Murray, KY 42071
Online option available.
The goals of this workshop is to familiarize the attendees with the various aspects of MultiSpeak, starting with its evolution, how does it work, the various versions available and their attributes. The workshop will also include an initial detailed introduction (on the first day) and a more in-depth look (on the second day) as to how to specify MultiSpeak interfaces to support business processes. Based on attendees feedback, needs, and interest, interfaces that can be discussed include: AMI to CIS, AMI to OMS, GIS – CIS, SCADA – OMS, and AVL to OMS, and potentially many others.
What You Will Learn
Learn how to write MultiSpeak specifications to better ensure interoperable networks
Learn how to leverage the MultiSpeak Guide Specifications
Identify MultiSpeak certified vendors and how to read those certifications
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- For NRECA member electric cooperatives, utilities, vendors, and consultants, download the membership documents at
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