​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The utility telecommunications practice group of Keller and Heckman LLP has prepared this docu​m​ent (PDF​)​​, in conjunction with NRECA Broadband, for utility provi​ders of cable television, telecommunications, interconnected voice over Internet protocol (VoIP), internet access, and other communications and​ information services. We have summarized, by service, the main federal regulatory requirements that apply to such providers.

NRECA Broadband participants may schedule a complimentary call (up to two hours) with Keller and He​ckman LLP experts to discu​ss with your co-op the broad range ​of regulatory compliance issues covered in the Compliance Overview guide. Please contact Brian O'Hara at Brian.O'Hara@nreca.coop​ or 703-907-5798.​