​​​​​​​Grid-connected energy storage is essential in enabling the large-scale integration of intermit­tent renewable generation, which will eventually support the energy transition and achieve the greenhouse gas emissions targets. Our Surveillance article series summarizes the CEATI Strategic Options for Integration Emerging Technologies and Distributed Energy Interest Group (SOIG) report Methodologies to Maximize the Value and Amount of Energy Storage: Economic and Technical Evaluation. The report analyzes the potential services that energy storage can provide from a generation, transmission and distribution standpoint.

Article 1: Literature Search

Findings of CEATI’s literature search of the various energy storage system use cases on the grid, discusses revenue streams, and highlights key energy storage technologies in the North American energy market. ​

Article 2: Market Research

CEATI’s evaluation of the potential services that energy storage can provide both regulated and unregulated markets, summary of CEATI’s results of ISO/RTO [regional transmission operator] and utility surveys, and CEATI’s energy storage valuation tool.

Article 3: Valuation Tool and Case Study

CEATI’s review of energy storage controls and dispatch requirements and the impact of energy storage sizing, and CEATI’s template utility case study.​