Interconnection Point, Size and Co-op Involvement in Wind Projects

The Distributed Wind Toolkit is funded by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), through the Wind Energy Technology Office (WETO), under Award Number DE-EE0008958.0001

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Distribution-Level Projects​​​

Meant to serve all members, this type of distributed wind project is interconnected on the distribution grid and the energy from the project is mixed into the supply blend.

Example:Iowa Lakes Wind Farm Case Study
Template Design: tower/foundation/1-line electrical


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Community Energy Projects

Community energy projects are meant to serve a group of co-op members who wish to have part of their energy come from sustainable sources. The project can serve a geographic district within co-op territory, like a municipality, or it can be a geographically dispersed group of members who subscribe to the project's energy output.

Template Design: tower/foundation/1-line electrical

Behind-the-Meter (BTM) and Off-Grid Projects

A BTM project provides unique benefits to the project host. The host, through the process of project design, is able to choose the percent of their energy requirements that will be met by their project so as to meet their own objectives while also living within their own financial, resource, land, circuit, and permitting constraints. Such a project would therefore typically be interconnected behind the host revenue meter although there are special cases in which cooperatives have allowed the project to be virtually net metered to accommodate siting or resource concerns.

Because these types of projects can range in size from small demonstration projects to industrial-scale projects, the requirement for a favorable project cash flow can also be on a sliding scale.

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