Would Distributed Wind Work for Us?

The Distributed Wind Toolkit is funded by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), through the Wind Energy Technology Office (WETO), under Award Number DE-EE0008958.0001

About Distributed Wind


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On-Grid and Off-Grid Uses


Front of meter projects are projects not connected directly to a metered load and can benefit specific or multiple members. When interconnection policies permit, these projects can be located in favorable wind resource locations and be virtually net metered to a larger load, such as a campus. Otherwise, these sorts of projects can include projects that contribute to a utility’s power supply and might also be cited to provide additional system benefits such as peak reduction. These types of projects can also be part of an isolated utility system, such as many projects in Alaska.


A common use for smaller wind turbines is to produce energy for homes and small farms for on-site use.

Commercial projects can include 3-phase projects serving small businesses, K-12 schools and agricultural processing plants. Industrial projects are ones that are connected at the highest service tier and can include ethanol plants, large (rural) food processing plants, factories and larger campuses.


Typical off-grid uses of wind turbines include power for sailboats, remote cabins and homes, galvanic protection for pipelines, power for remote cellular and radio sites, and stock water pumping, among other uses.

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