[image-caption title="Cotton%20Electric%20Cooperative's%20Zach%20Young%20with%20his%20wife%20and%20two%20sons.%20(Photo%20Courtesy%3A%20Zach%20Young)" description="%20" image="%2Fremagazine%2Farticles%2FPublishingImages%2Fyoung-zach-story.jpg" /]
Young adult pastor at Eternal Life Church
How long have you been a pastor?
Two years.
What made you want to work with young adults?
This was a pivotal stage of life for me when I decided to make my faith my own. Not because I had to do it out of obligation but a life and relationship that I chose to pursue.
What's your top piece of advice to young adults?
I encourage my students to really evaluate their faith, and be willing to ask the “stupid" questions.
What do you like about this work?
I get to work with my students on what that means and what it looks like to live like Jesus in their own lives.
What did you know about electric co-ops before joining Cotton?
I grew up in the area and we had Cotton lines at our house, but that was about the extent of my knowledge.
How did you hear about the job?
I went to college with an employee of Cotton, and she reached out and told me that I would be a great fit for the position.
What were you doing before you joined the co-op?
I'd done a little bit of everything, but before coming to Cotton, I worked in machinery manufacturing.
What do you like most about working at the co-op?
Everyone I work with is so friendly and helpful. It has been amazing to see people take the cooperative principles to heart and be the embodiment of those.
What else do you like doing in your free time?
I enjoy grilling, playing guitar, shooting guns, golfing and playing video games. Most recently, my favorite thing to do is playing with my sons, who are 2 and 3 years old.
Something most people don't know about you:
When I was a kid, my dream was to become a professional snowboarder. I still love it to this day, but I am nowhere near a professional.