[image-caption title="%20" description="Seth%20Gibson" image="%2Fremagazine%2Farticles%2FPublishingImages%2Fseth-gibson-employee.jpg" link="%2Fremagazine%2Farticles%2FPublishingImages%2Fseth-gibson-employee.jpg" linking="lightbox" /]
Hobby: Ranching and farming
How did you get into that? I was helping on the family farm at a very young age. I got my first cow and began building my herd from there.
How long have you been farming? My family homesteaded here in 1890. I am a fifth generation farmer and rancher.
What crops/livestock do you manage? We currently grow wheat, German millet, and Sudan grass hay. We also cut native prairie hay, raise cows, chickens, and horses.
What do you like most about it? I appreciate the heritage and the history of the land and the ability to watch the crops and livestock grow and prosper.
How did you hear about the job at TCEC? I kept watching online for an opening, because I wanted to move back to this area.
What were you doing before you joined the co-op? I worked at a municipal utility as a journeyman lineman.
What do you like most about the co-op? The camaraderie among my coworkers and the technical advancements that the co-op has taken to improve reliability for their members.
Education: An associate degree in applied science from the Oklahoma State University Institute of Technology and a bachelor’s degree in animal science from Oklahoma State University in Stillwater, Oklahoma.
What else do you enjoy doing in your free time? I collect and rebuild old classic cars, trucks, and tractors.
Something most people don’t know about you: I highly value my heritage and family history. I think knowing where you came from and what your family went through to get where they are today is not only interesting, but it makes us who we are and drives us to innovate and strive for more.
Know someone who could be profiled in New Employee Spotlight? Contact Megan McAtee at