• Digital Marketing Director
  • Trico Electric Cooperative | Marana, Arizona
  • Co-op employee since July 2022
  • Birthplace: Vail, Arizona
  • Hobby: Movie-holic

Have you always been a movie buff?

Yes! My mom was a teacher, and since Arizona summers were so hot, she would frequently take me and my sister to the movies. I remember falling in love with the magic of movies. That led me to want to study film in college.

What are your favorite films?

It's hard to pick, but the films that impacted me the most are horror, sci-fi and fantasy films. These genres often have very atmospheric movies that I enjoy, such as “The Invitation" (2016), “Melancholia" (2011) and “The Omen" (1976).

How did the pandemic change the movie experience for you?

It definitely disrupted it. I didn't go to the theater for two years. I just recently started going back to theaters, and it feels a little like home again.

What did you know about electric co-ops before joining Trico?

I grew up with Trico, but I had no idea just how extensive the co-op network is.

How did you hear about the job at Trico?

A co-worker at one of my former workplaces shared the job opportunity with me.

What were you doing before you joined the co-op?

I was doing marketing at the Community Foundation for Southern Arizona.

What do you like most about working at the co-op?

I enjoy how willing everyone is to teach me about all things co-op. It's easy to feel like part of the team.

Bachelor's from the University of Arizona in film and television studies and a master's in marketing.

What else do you like doing in your free time?
I enjoy making kitschy art and hanging out with family, friends and my cat, Thomas O'Malley, and dog, Otis.

Something most people don't know about you:
I played steel drums for several years in school and performed at mass steel drum concerts with hundreds of other performers.