[image-caption title="Louanne%20Simonton%20with%20her%20husband%20and%20their%20three%20daughters.%20(Photo%20courtesy%20Louanne%20Simonton)" description="%20" image="%2Fremagazine%2Farticles%2FPublishingImages%2Fre-newemployee-sept22.jpg" /]
Spending time with my family at the lake
Did you go to the lake a lot as a child?
Not really. I started going to the lake with my husband when we first started dating. His grandparents lived on Lake Martin, and we would go there whenever we could.
What’s your favorite thing to do there?
Every 4th of July, my husband’s whole family gets together and camps on Lake Martin for the week. We have done it for the last several years, and it’s always the best time.
What were you doing before you joined the co-op?
I worked at All In Credit Union as the bankruptcy specialist.
How did you hear about the job at the co-op?
My dad retired from Wiregrass, so I grew up knowing the people here. One of them called me and asked if I wanted to apply for the billing job and the rest is history.
What do you like most about working at the co-op?
It’s like a big family. When I started working here, I felt like I came home. I was able to see people I hadn’t seen in years. Everyone is so nice and helpful.
What else do you enjoy doing in your free time?
I have three kids, so most of my free time is taken up by them! They’re all girls, so we enjoy doing all the girly things. We paint fingernails, give ourselves facials and play hair and makeup all the time at my house.
I am a certified paralegal.