Hobby: Road warrior. My wife and I love to travel, and we especially enjoy road trips.

What is your most recent road trip? Memphis to see a Grizzlies game. Last summer, we went on a seven-day, eight-city, 2,100-mile trip through the south-central states.

What were some highlights of that trip? That was a whirlwind of a trip that started with a flat tire in rural Oklahoma the day of my brother’s wedding rehearsal. We drove through seven states, stayed in five major cities, and saw three state capitols. Austin and New Orleans were two of my favorites because they both have unique and fun cultures.

What’s on your travel bucket list? I’d love to make it to all 50 states.

How did you hear about the job at Platte-Clay? In true millennial fashion, I stumbled across a posting on LinkedIn. I knew electric cooperatives had a great reputation, so it caught my attention.

What were you doing before you joined the co-op? I worked in the state capitol as the communications director for the Missouri State Treasurer’s Office.

Tell me about one of your biggest accomplishments during your career. I am proud and surprised to have made the Missouri Times “30 Under 30” list in 2018. More than anything, I’m grateful to have had some wonderful mentors who believed in me and pushed me to grow.

Why did you want to work at the co-op? My grandfather was a contractor lineman in central Kansas. Because of that, my parents raised me to be thankful for the hardworking people behind the scenes. The opportunity to tell the story of what goes on at a co-op while also being closer to family was something I couldn’t turn down.

What do you like most about your job? No two days are the same in this business, and I enjoy navigating unpredictable situations. I’m also thankful to work at a co-op where I have wonderful supervisors and peers who embrace innovation.

Education: Bachelor’s degree in Political Science from the University of Missouri in Columbia.

Random fact: I can dislocate both of my thumbs!

Know someone who could be profiled in New Employee Spotlight? Contact Megan McAtee at megan.mcatee@nreca.coop or 703-907-6105.