Hobby: Graphic design, illustration, painting, photography and animation

Have you always had an artistic and creative side?

My dream was to be an artist when I was a kid.

How and when did you realize that you had this talent?

I have always made art my entire life since early childhood.

What is unique about your art?

I can change art styles easily based on the needs of the project.

What do you enjoy most about it?

I enjoy anything that takes problem solving through creativity.

How did you hear about the job at Ohio’s Electric Cooperatives?

I have a decade of publication experience and was keeping my eye out for a good design position.

What were you doing before you joined the co-op?

Before this, I was working at an agency with industry-leading fast-food chains.

What do you like most about working at the co-op?

I like utilizing my skills for a purpose that goes beyond advertising. The educational aspect and the ability to conceptualize magazine layouts with total creative freedom has been great.

Education: Columbus College of Art & Design, majoring in illustration

What else do you like doing in your free time?

I have been working in 3D programs creating sculptures and masks that I airbrush and hand paint to sell at large music festivals and events.

Random fact about you: I have a lightning bolt scar on my left palm from an art-related accident. I am basically the Harry Potter of the electric cooperative design industry.

You can see all of Crystal’s work by visiting her website at www.crystaldawncreations.com and on Instagram @crystaldawndraws.

Know someone who could be profiled? Contact Megan Newton at mcatee.megan@gmail.com.