The Legal Reporting Service (LRS) is an exclusive source of intelligence for electric cooperatives on court decisions, laws and regulations.
The LRS is a monthly publication produced by NRECA's legal team. Each month, you'll get concise, timely articles on recent state and federal court decisions, new and proposed regulations and new statutes that could impact your electric cooperative.
Why Read LRS?
Electric cooperatives, whether G&T or distribution, public power districts or statewide organizations, constantly deal with laws and regulations that affect daily operations, future direction and business activities.
Who Reads LRS?
Cooperative attorneys, board members, general managers and key staff members need to be aware of the laws and regulations affecting their systems. This need to know encompasses laws and regulations in effect and how they have been litigated. It also includes knowledge of proposed laws and regulations. If enacted or promulgated, how will they affect the co-ops' day-to-day operations and planning for the future?
What Does LRS do for You?
The LRS fulfills this need to know. It presents the information with the precision attorneys require as well as the clarity and integrity that policy and management executives appreciate.