By Casey Hollins
Communications Specialist for Rappahannock Electric Cooperative

Six candidates submitted their names for the 2017 CCC Program Board election ballot. With exactly six open positions, the CCC Board decided to elect all candidates by acclamation, in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order.

Ryan Cornelius


Casey Hollins

April Lollar

Nell Withers McCauley

Anna Politano

Row One:

Ryan Cornelius, Communications Manager, Co-Mo Electric Cooperative, Inc., Tipton, MO

Jayne Graham, Manager of Communications, HomeWorks Tri-County Electric Co-op, Inc., Portland, MI

Casey Hollins, Communications Specialist, Rappahannock Electric Cooperative, Fredericksburg, VA (incumbent)

April Lollar, Media Services Executive, Coast Electric Power Association, Bay Saint Louis, MI (incumbent)

Row Two:

Nell Withers McCauley, Communications Advisor, SEDC, Atlanta, GA (incumbent)

Anna Politano, Editor, Oklahoma Living, Oklahoma Association of Electric Cooperatives, Oklahoma City, OK (incumbent)

View the candidate statements on the CCC overview page on

Note: Under Robert’s Rules, if there is no opposition, there is no need for a formal vote; the matter can be decided by acclamation or unanimous consent of the board, unless otherwise stated in the bylaws. The CCC Board decided to move forward in this way to avoid the expense and energy of conducting an online election.

Your CCC Board will discuss voting scenarios in detail later this year to determine if a proposed amendment is needed in the CCC Program’s operating guidelines to specifically address situations where we have fewer candidates than board openings or the exact number of candidates for board openings.