By Linda Nyberg, CCC, Communications & Marketing Specialist, Sangre de Cristo Electric Association, Inc.


2014 flew by and here I am celebrating the New Year again! Like most people I find myself wanting to make a list of New Year’s resolutions. But I think that I’m going to take a different approach this year and follow the words of Ralph Waldo Emerson, “Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year.” I like the way that sounds… “Write it on your heart,” “the best day in the year.” What I take away from Emerson’s words are to improve myself each day and take the year to develop my personal and professional skills so that I can make every day the best day in the year.

There are so many educational and professional development options available to us as cooperative communicators. So look at what you are doing, what you want to do, and chart a path to get there. Visit and take a peek at what is available under the Conferences & Education tab. I guarantee that you will find something there that sparks your interest. Then go for it!

I would also recommend that you go to Communications under the Interest Areas and download the “Always On Report.” It is a valuable tool that you can use to develop a strategic communication plan that will help you stay connected to your members in an era of rapid change. It was promoted in 2014 at many of the regional meetings by NRECA to CEOs and board members.

Another good source for training and educational courses might be right in your community. Explore offerings at local colleges, chamber of commerce’s, businesses, government offices, consultants, churches, and libraries.

Come May, jumpstart your career and attend the CONNECT Conference in Minneapolis, Minnesota. It will be jam packed with some new and exciting sessions and lots of opportunities to network with your peers. It will be just the thing that you need to keep you motivated through the end of the year.

I hope that you and your loved ones had a wonderful New Year and I hope to see you at CONNECT. Remember, “Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year.”