By: Erica Fitzhugh, CCC

On May 25, the Certified Cooperative Communicator (CCC) board met virtually for their spring board meeting. Eighteen of our board members and NRECA staff attended the virtual meeting.

Lydia Walters, CCC board president, welcomed the two new board members, Bethany Akridge and Neil Brown. The board moved to seat the new board members and to ratify the March election.

Jean Capon, CCC program administrator, announced the nominees for the positions of board Chair (JuliAnn Graham, Magen Howard and Lydia Walters), Vice Chair (JuliAnn Graham) and Secretary (Erica Fitzhugh). Election results will be announced by June 7. The meeting was adjourned.

Lydia Walters called the meeting to order and the winter board meeting minutes were accepted and approved. Lydia thanked the three outgoing board members, April Lollar, Nell McCauley and Jen Wheeler, for serving on the board.  

Christine Miller, NRECA, completed her draft plan for the new CCC program and is in the process with sharing it with the appropriate stakeholders. She will present it to the board at our June meeting. (Note: it was presented to the board on June 7.)

Jean Capon gave a report on the Connect virtual conference. 

Erika Neff gave an update from the Council of Rural Electric Communicators (CREC). She reported on the Spotlight Awards program and proposed changes coming next year. 

The Communications and Marketing committee gave an update on the next newsletter and the CCC slideshows for Connect. 

The fall board meeting will be held virtually in October.

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