Spotlight on Excellence Featured Winner
By Jen Wheeler, CCC, NRECA, Arlington, Va.
Spotlight Category: Best Individual Ad
Title: Power for "AHA" MOMENTS
Submitted by Terry Buttrill, Communications Manager, CCC, Georgia Transmission Corporation
Q: What was your main goal with the creation of this ad?
A: To proactively foster greater awareness and better understanding of Georgia Transmission’s mission. In addition, to communicate about our approach in managing of issues of importance to our key audiences.
Q: How did you decide on the tagline of “Power for ‘AHA!’ moments?”
A: For the past several years, Georgia Transmission has participated in annual communications strategy sessions with our public relations firm that include public relations strategies as well as paid advertising messaging. Our discussions regarding 2018 centered on making what we do meaningful to the average consumer since we are a transmission cooperative and, therefore, one step removed from them. We also discussed the importance of conveying our relationship with our member co-ops. Our brainstorming session resulted in a broad campaign of “Brought to you by Georgia Transmission and your EMC.” From there, we discussed aspects of life made possible through electricity and which of those might evoke the strongest responses – including children, education and our responsibility to future generations. The tagline, “Power for ‘AHA’ moments” evolved from that discussion. The ad, which features a child peering through a microscope also provides a subtle nod to Georgia Transmission’s support of STEM education.
Q: What was your biggest challenge with this project?
A: Our biggest challenge was choosing a photo to best capture the “AHA” moment.
Q: How did you judge the successfulness of the ad?
A: Georgia Transmission relies on circulation data provided by our media partners to generate an accurate assessment of reach, and, therefore, the success of our advertising efforts. This advertisement reached approximately 200,000 key stakeholders.
Q: How will the experience of creating this ad influence future advertising decisions?
A: Georgia Transmission regularly enjoys face-to-face interactions with our key stakeholders. Inquiring about the quarterly ad is part of this regular communication, providing a subjective, albeit important, piece of feedback that influences future advertisements and their content.