By: Lydia Walters, CCC, PHR, MIP, CCC Program Board Chair, Communication & Human Resources Manager, Dixie Electric Power Association
Have you ever painted a room in your house and then realized how much attention your house really needs? Paint the room; then paint the trim; now, stain the door; update the blinds. The list goes on.
Currently the CCC Program is undergoing a similar renovation. The board put a plan in place in 2018 to update the Body of Knowledge and convert it to an online-friendly study format. As we’ve worked through the BOK and the accompanying study materials, it became evident that other areas of the program needed updating and streamlining.
One of these items was the exam. In order to offer the exam online, it needed to be re-tooled. It became clear that some of the writing portions of the exam would be better suited for the portfolio submission. Thus, the portfolio requirements needed to be overhauled. While taking a hard look at the portfolio requirements, it was decided that the submission of a communications plan would be more meaningful to the candidates than the submission of several work samples.
Other updates to the program are evolving, and it is our plan to roll out the newly renovated certification program in May 2021.
As you can see, the small paint job has turned into a home renovation. The end product will have the same result: something that is fully updated and has great functionality.
If I can ever answer any questions for you, please feel free to contact me at
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