"I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination."

– Jimmy Dean

I recently came across this quote and thought it was fitting as I contemplated the beginning of a new year. I suspect that many of you welcomed the year with anticipation for great things to unfold, just like I did.

As I set goals for the new year, I’m sticking to three strategies
that I’m calling “Anna’s Top 3.”
I would like to share them with you and encourage you to make your own game
plan that will guide you to success and fulfillment in 2019.

  1. Recharge:
    Start the new year recharged with some focused and realistic goals. Make sure
    your goals are challenging, but doable and that you will be a better person
    and/or professional by accomplishing them.
  2. Refocus:
    It’s easy to lose focus of our new year goals and resolutions not too long
    after January 1. Commit to setting aside time to refocus on your goals; don’t
    let the vision become “blurred” along the way; by re-focusing, you’re keeping
    your eyes on the “prize” (your reward).
  3. Refresh:
    As is natural with everything in life, things change. You may need to refresh
    or re-purpose your goals throughout the year. Don’t be afraid to adapt and
    adjust. Even if the path you set for yourself is not as straight as you had
    hoped it would be, know that some forks along the road (tweaks to your goals)
    may lead to better results as long as you stay committed.

Your CCC Board of Directors is starting the new year recharged,
refocused and refreshed. After a productive board meeting at Coast Electric
Cooperative in Mississippi, the Board is ready for a year filled with challenges
but amazing opportunities to continue enhancing the program. The Board will
meet again at the end of January to continue their hard work on the revamp of
the Body of Knowledge study guide (BOK) format, the planning of feedback
recruitment from current CCCs and non-CCCs as well as some exciting CCC
highlights at CONNECT. The Board of Directors was pleased to welcome 24 new
CCCs in 2018 and looks forward to welcoming many more in 2019!

Whatever your goals are, remember you may not always be able to
change the “direction of the wind,” but you can be a good sailor by adapting
the course and successfully reaching your destination. Happy 2019!

Anna Politano

Chair, CCC Board of Directors

Oklahoma Association of Electric Cooperatives