By: Jean Capon, CCC Program, Education, Training and Events, NRECA
We would like to recognize the following individuals as the 2021 Board Election Winners:
Bethany Akridge, CCC
Communications Coordinator
Coastal Electric Cooperative
Midway, GA
Jodi Borger, CCC
Communications Coordinator
Pioneer REC
Piqua, OH
Neal Brown, CCC
Marketing & Member Service Manager
Garkane Energy
Kanab, UT
Erica Fitzhugh, CCC
Marketing Coordinator
East River Electric
Madison, SD
Lauren Irby, CCC
Manager of Public Relations & Community Outreach
Delaware Electric Cooperative
Greenwood, DE
Congratulations to all!
We also want to thank outgoing board members who have served their maximum term limit of three terms - six years- to April Lollar and Nell Withers McCauley.