​​On May 12, during the time the Certified Cooperative Communicator (CCC) board would have normally met in person at Connect '20, they instead met virtually for about two hours.

The Spring meeting for the CCC board is different from others in that outgoing and incoming board members both attend the call, although incoming board members do not vote. Nineteen people were on the call. After the official meeting concluded a second re-organization meeting was held to seat the new board members and prepare to vote on officers.

The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and its impacts on cooperatives and communicators as well as the world was discussed during the meeting. Jean Capon, the program administrator, reported on the status of candidates in the process of obtaining their certification. She noted the challenge of finding a new grader for the exam and the board discussed possible solutions. She updated the board on NRECA's decision to waive the continuing education requirement for all programs in 2020.

Erika Neff gave an update on the Council of Rural Electric Communicators (CREC) who were busy planning for the virtual recognition event for the Spotlight on Excellence program. Magen Howard gave an update on G&T communicators moving their meetings to once per year. Jean Capon gave an update on Connect planning for a virtual event in 2020.

Each committee reviewed their progress toward goals established the prior year, noting challenges and opportunities for the future. The CAPS committee noted work on a digitized Body of Knowledge continues, with hopes to incorporate both it and the exam in the new learning management system NRECA is launching this year. The Communications & Marketing Committee recapped what they had planned to do for Connect as well as new marketing outreach initiatives they had implemented. The Program and Planning Committee noted that they updated the strategic plan and incorporated feedback from the 2019 focus groups into it.