By: Erica Fitzhugh, CCC
Marketing Coordinator, East River Electric Power Cooperative
On December 1, the Certified Cooperative Communicator (CCC) board met virtually for the second half of their fall board meeting. Sixteen of our board members and NRECA staff attended the virtual meeting.
Lydia Walters, CCC Board President, shared drafts of an updated mission statement and value statements for board discussion. The board will vote on the new statements at the February board meeting. Jean Capon, the program administrator, reported on the status of candidates in the process of obtaining their certification. 24 candidates will be taking the CCC exam before the end of the year. Two exam dates are scheduled for the spring as well. For the upcoming elections, there are five seats open:three incumbents and two vacated seats from expired term limits.
Erika Neff gave an update from the Council of Rural Electric Communicators (CREC). There was an increase in Spotlight applications in 2020 and the board approved changes to the Autry award process. The new online submission form will be live soon.
Each committee reviewed their progress on their projects. The CAPS committee finalized work on a n updated and digitized Body of Knowledge, currently out for review. Once finalized it will go to NRECA for program development. The Communications & Marketing Committee developed a CCC Communication calendar to streamline that process. They also reported that there is a new newsletter production process in place. The Program and Planning Committee has been working on test questions and rewriting the documentation part of the program manual.
The winter board meeting will be virtual, to be held in February.
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