If you have an interest in serving on the Certified Cooperative Communicator Board of Directors, your chance to get elected is coming up this spring. Letters will be sent in the coming weeks from NRECA to CEOs and General Managers asking them to consider allowing you to run for election.
The CCC Board of Directors consists of 10 communicators who have attained their CCC credentials and are elected by their CCC peers to serve up to three (3) two-year terms. The 10 elected board members serve staggered terms, so each year five positions are up for election. The board is responsible for setting CCC policy and managing the program. Representatives of NRECA, CFC and CREC also sit on the board.
Candidates for election must be willing to assume oversight and leadership of the CCC program, and be employed as a cooperative communicator. CCCs may nominate themselves or fellow CCCs to serve on the board.
We meet in person three times a year and participate in monthly conference calls. One of the meetings is held in conjunction with the annual CONNECT Conference. We meet in the fall at NRECA for two days and once in the winter, often in a warmer climate. This year, we’re meeting over two days in Orlando at the conclusion of the NRECA annual meeting.
This is definitely a working board. Members are assigned to committees, which convene regularly via telephone.
For more information, including qualifications and requirements, visit Coopertive.com. From there, visit the CCC section and “How to Become a Board Candidate.”
Board elections typically take place in April of each year. Candidates for election will be asked to submit materials by early March. Official deadline information will be made available on the website soon.