Are you interested in serving on the Certified Cooperative Communicator board? The board is responsible for the program’s overall policy and direction, as well as for standards and requirements to become certified and maintain certification. With the addition of one new seat on the board for 2017, there are six seats up for election.

Election materials will be due to NRECA in early March, and qualifying candidates will be placed on the ballot. Elections results are announced in mid-April. The newly elected board members are invited to attend the May board meeting (prior to CONNECT (May 1) in Tampa.
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Serving as a CCC director requires a significant commitment from you as well as your co-op. You are required to attend at least two of the three in-person meetings per year and participate in monthly conference calls. Your CEO must be willing to bear the cost of travel and your time away from the office. Directors are elected by a simple majority vote (or a plurality if there are more than two nominees) of returned ballots, and serve 2-year terms, potentially serving three consecutive terms.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact CCC administrator Jean Capon:; 703-907-5998.