
There are four (4) advisory committees who provide guidance and program feedback that benefit the entire membership. Advisory committee members serve up to two 3-year terms.

They include:

Brand Strategies

  • Provides oversight and direction of all external communication efforts in support of Touchstone Energy member cooperatives including:

    • Creative implementation
    • Market analysis
    • Message development
    • National advertising planning/placement
    • Promotional and public relations activities
    • Strategic partnerships and alliances
  • Recommends guidelines for local communications spending commitment.
  • Encourages consistent local application of the brand communication strategy

Business Development

Develop and oversee initiatives that help cooperatives demonstrate the Cooperative Advantage by strengthening their relationships with members and businesses by:

  • Developing and enhancing partnerships between cooperatives and national, regional and local businesses
  • Identifying and sharing best business practices, such as service expectations and excellence, energy management and energy industry trends
  • Helping to foster community and economic development

Cooperative Relations

Encourages the use of the brand to demonstrate the cooperative advantage. Motivates members to take ownership and realize the full value of the brand by:

  • Communicating the value and return on investment the brand brings to Touchstone Energy co-ops
  • Emphasizing how the brand is relevant to all roles, their co-op and their members
  • Continually educating stakeholders about new and existing programs
  • Demonstrating the value of brand resources, for both retention and recruitment of members

Cooperative Performance and Research

Provides consumer-based research to increase member engagement and develops energy resources that enhance cooperative performance and demonstrate they are the “trusted source” with their members.

  • Provides consumer-based research to improve member satisfaction and engagement through performance-based programs.
  • Supports cooperatives with strategic resources such as the American Customer Satisfaction Index survey efforts.
  • Further advances beneficial electrification through energy solutions.
  • Develops topics and provide guidance for the National Survey on the Cooperative Difference Survey and quarterly member insights.
  • Reviews resources and collaborate with other committees on content development for energy efficiency and new technologies guided by consumer research.
Committee agendas, information and forums are housed on DirectorPoint. Here is an overview video of the tool.