
Phase 1: Re-Commit to Life-Saving Rules (Toolkit)

In April 2018, NRECA, Federated Rural Electric Insurance Exchange and electric cooperative statewide safety leaders introduced the Commitment to Zero Contacts initiative, which is designed to provide cooperative CEOs, senior leaders, and field personnel with ideas and resources to help them reduce the chance of serious injuries and fatalities (SIFs) due to electrical contact and enhance co-op safety efforts. This first phase was a one-time re-commitment to the life-saving rules (LSRs) which co-ops utilize in their day-to-day operations. The goal was for co-op leaders and field employees to reflect on their personal utilization of the LSRs to help motivate a shift in behavior to eliminate shortcuts if needed. Since that time, hundreds of managers of electric co-ops and public power districts have made the voluntary re-commitment to the initiative’s goals and thousands of co-op employees have downloaded safety resources available in the Commitment to Zero Contacts: Toolkit.

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Phase 2: Assess Your Co-op’s Operational and Safety Practices

In the second phase of this initiative, we have refined the initial Commitment to Zero approach by working directly with operational department leaders and their teams to review current work practices using a hands-on approach incorporating employee input, facilitation and two-way discussion. Currently being piloted among co-ops across the country, the purpose of this assessment is to better understand actual work practices, create local ownership and to create a plan to minimize future risk as needed.

To learn more, download our Phase 2 communication resources. Then fill out the request form to participate in the Phase 2 assessment today!


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      What Your Peers Have to Say

      "The [Phase 2] process is dynamic and engaging as raw discussion is created with the crew leaders to find out what is truly happening in the field. It helps bring the blind spots out into the open and supports having the tough conversations which are necessary for true change to occur. I am confident this initiative will effect change at the operational level greater than any other initiative I have been a part of …"
      Dwight Miller
      Director of Safety and Loss Control, Ohio Rural Electric Cooperatives
      Useful Resource

      Download PDF
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      Questions about the Commitment to Zero Contacts?
