research will gauge members’ satisfaction and commitment to your co-op and help
you understand what it is about your service that causes members to be more or
less satisfied. Using
our residential member survey data from the co-ops we serve we can compare your
survey results to other co-ops nationwide.
American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI)
For Touchstone Energy® Cooperatives, we will include the four overall performance questions needed to have your American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) calculated. The American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) is provided through Touchstone Energy and is only available to cooperatives who are Touchstone Energy members. Your ACSI can be used to compare your results to other Touchstone Energy Cooperatives, to the top electric, gas, and combination electric and gas energy utilities in the country, and to companies in other industries. For more information, go to
NRECA's Co-op Norms
Using residential member survey data from the co-ops we serve, we can compare your survey results to 79 co-ops across the nation who conducted similar surveys among more than 75,000 residential members between January 2014 and December 2016. NRECA's “Co-op Norms" are not taken from the universe of all cooperatives; rather these are co-ops who value, monitor and measure the satisfaction of their members and therefore generally represent higher performing co-ops, not all co-ops. This will allow you to benchmark where your individual co-op stands and give you an aggressive goal to meet or exceed.
Key Drivers of Overall Satisfaction
We will run an analysis on your results to determine the performance attributes that have the biggest impact on members' overall satisfaction. This analysis is done in two steps: first, a correlation analysis is performed that groups the individual performance attributes into factors; second, a regression analysis is used to determine which of those factors has the greatest impact on the independent variable, overall satisfaction. The results can be used to determine where improvement and maintenance efforts should be focused.