​The Association of Missouri Electric Cooperatives, Midwest Energy Cooperative, HomeWorks Tri-County Electric Cooperative, Alger Delta Cooperative Electric Association, Great Lakes Energy, NTCA–The Rural Broadband Association, the Utilities Technology Council, and the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (collectively, the “Rural Coalition”) respectfully submit this opposition to Hughes Network Systems, LLC’s (“Hughes”) petition for reconsideration of the Commission’s March 2, 2017 Connect America Fund Auction Order1 (“CAF II Auction Order”).2 As explained below, Hughes’s petition raises no new arguments to justify disturbing the Commission’s carefully crafted and balanced Order. Moreover, Hughes does not explain the basis for the factual assumptions that underlie its arguments. Those arguments also overlook the fact that high latency services remain unable to support several important applications, including some that are critical to public health and safety. Accordingly, the Commission should deny Hughes’s petition. FULL FILING