The Utility Water Act Group ("UWAG") is pleased to provide the following comments in
response to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's ("EPA") Notice of Opportunity to
Provide Information on Existing Programs that Protect Water Quality from Forest Road
Discharges (70 Fed. Reg. 69,653) ("Notice").
UWAG is a voluntary, ad hoc, non-profit, unincorporated group of213 individual energy
companies and three national trade associations of energy companies: the Edison Electric
Institute, the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association, and the American Public
Power Association. The individual energy companies operate power plants and other
facilities that generate, transmit, and distribute electricity to residential, commercial,
industrial, and institutional customers. The Edison Electric Institute is the association of U.S.
shareholder-owned energy companies, international affiliates, and industry associates. The
National Rural Electric Cooperative Association ("NRECA") is the association of not-forprofit
energy cooperatives supplying central station service through generation, transmission,
and distribution of electricity to rural areas of the United States. The American Public Power
Association is the national service organization for the more than 2,000 not-for-profit,
community-owned electric utilities in the U.S. Collectively, these utilities serve millions of
Americans throughout the country. UWAG's purpose is to participate on behalf of its
members in EPA's rulemakings under the Clean Water Act ("CW A") and in litigation arising
from those rulemakings.