The comments on the record support weighting to support the deployment of future-proof
broadband networks that are capable of providing robust, reliable and affordable broadband
services to rural America that are reasonably comparable in terms of quality and cost to the
broadband services that are offered in urban areas. UTC and NRECA believe that the
Commission should weight the Gigabit Performance Tier to encourage providers to deploy these
broadband networks and services, which would make efficient use of available CAF funds by
investing in networks that will scale to meet increasing demands. Electric cooperatives and other
utilities are already deploying fiber-to-the-home networks and providing Gigabit services in rural
areas, and they are proving that these networks and services can be deployed economically and
successfully. The Commission should carry that success forward by developing weights for the
Phase II auction that support the deployment of broadband networks that provide higher speeds,
higher usage allowances, and lower latency.