All communications tools here were developed by the Iowa Association of Electric Cooperatives. NRECA appreciates the IAEC’s willingness to share these materials.

These links contain several resources you can customize for use in communicating with key audiences about consumer-owned generation. In this particular case, wind energy has been used as the example. You can use many of these same concepts when addressing questions about other renewable resources.

Each of these documents has areas highlighted that need to be changed to reflect your cooperative's name and key facts. They will also need to be customized to account for differences in state law and regulations. These materials were drafted for use in Iowa. Please consult with counsel to ensure that the materials are consistent with the laws of your state.

These materials can be used to answer questions from member-consumers, the media, etc. Once you have customized the fact sheet and the FAQ, these can be distributed, as you deem appropriate. The talking points, however, should be kept for internal, confidential use only. You should use these for responding to the media, developing a manager's column, etc.

DG Interconnection Communication Materials

Solar Interconnection Materials

Wind Interconnection Materials

These materials are not designed to be used exactly as presented here. Instead, they provide models and guidance that each cooperative can adapt to their own unique needs after consultation with management, legal counsel, and system engineers. With these materials, each cooperative should be able to draft the rules, policies, tariffs, and contract documents required to respond positively to consumer requests for interconnection.

Consumers interested in distributed generation should contact their own cooperative for more information.