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NRECA’s new Voices for Cooperative Power program aims to enhance lobbying efforts by energizing more co-op consumer-members. (Screenshot)

ACRE is one of NRECA’s advocacy tools to support federal policies that are benefit electric cooperatives. Con​tributing to candidates for federal elected office enhances NRECA’s direct lobbying and grassroots advocacy on behalf of electric cooperatives and their communities.

NRECA recently launched a new grassroots advocacy program designed to modernize and improve efforts to influence Congress and the White House on issues that affect electric cooperatives and rural communities throughout the nation.

The association will reach out directly to co-op consumer-members through social media channels and invite them to the new Voices for Cooperative Power website (​​VCP) where they will be able to sign up to join the advocacy effort.

Participants can customize their experience by choosing the issues most important to them, including broadband, energy efficiency, renewable energy and rural development. Specific issues will be found under the four broad headings of Reliable, Affordable, Responsible Power; Supporting Co-op Communities; Building for the Future; and Environmental Stewardship.

Consumer-members will receive updates on those issues and information on how to contact Congress and federal agencies on proposed legislation or regulations.

The new VCP website will replace action.coop. It will be “far more user friendly and inviting," said Louis Finkel, NRECA's senior vice president of government relations.

“We're connecting cooperative communities through the use of social media to have a thoughtful and sustained dialogue about issues of importance to them and to the future of their cooperatives," Finkel said.

Reaching consumer-members through social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter has proven effective for grassroots organizing—more so than the dated approach of sending emails to thousands of people and expecting them to respond, he said.

“In our digital age, we need to engage with our consumer-members and our policymakers where they are, and where they are is in the social media world, on digital platforms," Finkel said.

NRECA's goal is to create a greatly expanded network of co-op advocates by energizing members around the issues that mean the most to them.

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​Erin Kelly is a staff writer for NRECA

Contributions to the NRECA Action Committee for Rural Electrification® (ACRE®) are not tax deductible for federal income tax purposes. Contributions to ACRE are voluntary and will be used for political purposes. You have the right to refuse to contribute without reprisal. Federal law prohibits contributions from foreign nationals who lack permanent resident status. Any contribution guidelines presented are merely suggestions. You are free to contribute more or less than the suggested amounts, or not at all. NRECA will not favor or disadvantage anyone by reason of the amount contributed or a decision not to contribute.

*Federal law requires us to use our best efforts to collect and report the name, mailing address, occupation and name of employer of individuals whose contributions exceed $200.