ACRE Director Gabe Snow
A sincere thank you for being a valued member of ACRE. We appreciate your continued support and dedication during this difficult time. We recognize the financial strain that many are facing due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and we truly appreciate everything you are doing to support America's electric cooperatives.
As NRECA and many cooperatives continue operations via remote work schedule, we hope you and your family are staying healthy and safe. During the pandemic and resulting closings, NRECA has been proactive in preparing for the ongoing challenges and maintaining our commitment to you. The NRECA staff is working remotely, and the ACRE team continues to handle routine business and process all PAC contributions.
Please continue submitting contributions that you have collected in a timely manner to comply with federal guidelines governing political action committees (PAC). Those guidelines require that all contributions collected by the co-op or statewide association be remitted to ACRE within a month or 10 days of receiving the contribution, depending on the amount.
ACRE also continues to accept checks, credit card contributions, and electronic transfers. Please see a
guide to submitting ACRE contributions for reference. Online contributions can be made by going to
www.cooperative.com/acrecontribution. Should ACRE’s capabilities or federal guidance change, we will let you know immediately.
New Data and Financial Management System
NRECA is also pleased to announce that we are updating our PAC data and financial management system. We recently reached an agreement with EveryAction, a digital PAC management platform, to develop and improve NRECA’s ability to streamline PAC administration, allowing our team to more effectively manage and grow ACRE. This new solution also will greatly improve the user interface for our participating member systems.
During the transition over the next several months, we are committed to keeping you informed as we reach milestones. As we get closer to full implementation, we will develop and share a robust end-user training module. Every participating co-op and state association will be provided training on how to access the EveryAction platform to upload contributions, manage contributor profiles, and access reports.
Should you need assistance, the ACRE team is available by email (acreteam@nreca.coop), phone (703-907-5799 or 703-907-6917) and video conference (please send requests to
acreteam@nreca.coop). As a reminder, there are numerous resources on
Cooperative.com including ACRE recruitment ideas, legal guidelines, and the 2019 ACRE Annual Report.
Stay safe and healthy!
Gabe Snow
Director, ACRE
Contributions to the NRECA Action Committee for Rural Electrification® (ACRE®) are not tax deductible for federal income tax purposes. Contributions to ACRE are voluntary and will be used for political purposes. You have the right to refuse to contribute without reprisal. Federal law prohibits contributions from foreign nationals who lack permanent resident status. Any contribution guidelines presented are merely suggestions. You are free to contribute more or less than the suggested amounts, or not at all. NRECA will not favor or disadvantage anyone by reason of the amount contributed or a decision not to contribute.
*Federal law requires us to use our best efforts to collect and report the name, mailing address, occupation and name of employer of individuals whose contributions exceed $200.