Landing Page About
The Government Relations section provides educational resources about current legislative, regulatory and legal issues faced by electric cooperatives.
Grassroots advocacy is the hallmark of electric co-ops. We draw our political strength from our directors, managers, employees and member-owners. You will find resources on our legislative issues we face and how to
get involved in the political process.
With narrow margins in the House and Senate, an increasing amount of policymaking is occurring within the executive branch. The regulatory issues team is actively involved in shaping agency guidance, regulation and federal funding opportunities that impact cooperatives.
Finally, you will find information here about America’s Electric Cooperatives PAC, including a state-by-state breakdown of contributions and a place where eligible employees can join or contribute using PayPal.
Top Content
Infrastructure Resource Hub
The 2021 infrastructure law includes significant investment and funding opportunities for co-ops and the communities they serve. NRECA's Infrastructure Resource Hub is designed for co-op leaders to stay informed as these programs evolve and to evaluate opportunities for their co-op and membership.
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IRA Programs
Co-ops secured important policy wins through the budget reconciliation bill in 2022. Several provisions in the IRA provide co-ops with new tools as they navigate the changing energy landscape and prepare for a future that depends on more electricity to power the American economy.
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Landing Page Middle
This presentation can support introductory briefings by electric co-ops for legislators and other policymakers and opinion leaders on the federal and state level.
Cooperative Congressional Engagement Toolkit
With members of Congress heading back home in August for their annual legislative recess, NRECA is offering guidance for co-ops on meeting with their lawmakers—with a focus on emphasizing the need for reliable, affordable electricity.
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